Survey: Mobile To Become Most Prominent By 2013?

A report put out recently by UK OpCo Telefonica O2 suggests that mobile marketing could become the most prominent form of advertising for many businesses within the next five years. Though not surprising for anyone following the industry, the stats in the report are still promising.

O2 commissioned Vanson Bourne to conduct a survey of IT and marketing directors in 100 leading brands about their current and future plans for mobile marketing.  Here’s what the survey revealed:

The mobile push will become even more important in the financial services, retail, and manufacturing sectors with two thirds of the major brands in those industries stating that mobile marketing campaigns have consistently generated a higher response rate than traditional methods, due to the personalization/targeting element.

88% of marketing directors anticipate that behavourial targeting will most likely be the most prominent new element of mobile marketing by 2010.  Even though it’s not a new method for mobile, many think it will be very important in the near future to solidify mobile marketing’s continued success.

The most interesting aspect of the survey was that it revealved that many brands are skeptic to use SMS becuase of the SPAM aspect.  I guess they think they’ll scare away more people than they attract, though I think that’s a wide-spread misconception.  Sounds to me like many marketing directors need to brush up on the right way to conduct SMS campaigns.  Leaving it out could be detrimental to the success of any full-scale mobile marketing campaign.