Sprint and The Onion Roll Out New Online Video Series

MMW learned Friday that Sprint is releasing a new online video series in collaboration with Onion Labs, the creative services division of Onion Inc.

The series in question, we’re told, takes a satirical look at the popularity of Paul Marcarelli – the guy who used to ask if you could “hear me now” with Verizon and who switched to Sprint and appears in Sprint advertising.

“Clearly, as evidenced in these videos, the ‘Paul Effect’ is taking hold of the country!” a provided media announcement notes.

This humorous partnership with Onion Labs builds off of Sprint’s most successful advertising campaign ever, which features Paul. The six-part Onion Lab series, titled “Your World with Luther North,” resembles a TV news magazine and explores Americans’ obsession with Paul.

“We wanted to have some fun with the fact that Paul switched to Sprint from Verizon,” said Roger Sole, Sprint Chief Marketing Officer. “We worked with Onion Labs to develop a series that takes a fun approach to Paul switching carriers and documents the extreme – albeit fictional – fan club that has formed around Paul.”

To check it out, click here.