& “Right Now” Advertising

A new company dubbed “,” has launched a new marketing service with what they call “Right Now” marketing tactics that use a combination of mobile-device advertising via SMS as well as advertisements via social media profiles.

The service is aimed at the 20-30 something demographic that they say “pay ever decreasing heed to the broadcast and print media channels.”  The service, while suitable for any industry, allows the bar and restaurant industry in particular to reach the young consumer demographic through cell phones and social networking sites “Right Now.”  Here’s how it works:

The service uses a web-based platform that allows for establishments to send out advance notice of upcoming events- whether it be drink specials, performances, special events, etc., to opt-in user’s cell phones via SMS as well as social media profiles such as Facebook in the form of comments, etc. Â The company can even custom design the widgets for use in social profiles.

The result is an instant advertisement sent to the channels young people respond to the most. Â 94% of users read all SMS messages sent to their phones, and we all know how extremely popular social media is- especially in this demographic.

“Twenty years ago, if advertisers could have combined TV, Radio and Newspaper ads, then given their customer the keys to the station, they would have effectively done what YAC is doing with the most important media today,’’ said YAC CEO Steve Hummel. “Never before has an advertising customer been able to distribute thousands of messages directly to their chosen audience instantly.”

It seems pretty cool, although many SMS platforms aready provide this basic functionality. Â The benefit for this would have to be the social media-based marketing aspects.