Our friends over at TextMarketer have published their latest infographic, this time focusing on how businesses are leveraging SMS.
Using original, primary research conducted by TextMarketer, along with supplemental data from ITU.int, Gartner and Juniper, the data shows which industries are leveraging SMS for business purposes — whether it be for mobile advertising & marketing, utility functions, alerts, and so on — in addition to which industries are currently sending the most SMS and how mobile advertising budgets are reflecting the use of SMS.
Interestingly, the graphic also covers the rise in “Application-to-Person” (A2P) messaging as well, showing that just revenue from A2P SMS alone is projected to reach more than $70B by 2016. The data also suggests that A2P messaging will overtake person-to-person texting by 2016.
Be sure and check out TextMarketer’s last infographic that covered the “Seven Deadly Sins of Mobile Marketing,” available here.