Jack Dorsey Back in Charge at Twitter

Jack Dorsey Back in Charge at TwitterOn Monday, a little birdie told us that social media titan Twitter is welcoming back to the microblogging company one of its original leaders and co-founders.

On Monday, Twitter confirmed that Dorsey is returning to serve as the company’s fourth CEO.

According to the NYT, the appointment won’t impact Dorsey’s simultaneous role as CEO and chairman of mobile payments giant Square.

“I am honored by the trust the board has put in me to continue to run the company,” Dorsey said yesterday, noting that his focus will be on “disciplined execution, simplifying the service and communicating Twitter’s value to users.”

Peter Currie, the director who headed the board’s C.E.O. search committee, said that Mr. Dorsey’s performance in the job persuaded the board to reverse its previous insistence that the next Twitter chief could run only one company.

“Over time, it became clear to us that Jack was not only meeting but surpassing our expectations of him as interim C.E.O. while running Square,” Currie is quoted in the report.