Will Mobile Marketers Experiment with Live Video on Twitter?

Will Mobile Marketers Experiment with Live Video on TwitterIf there’s anything as hot as social media for marketers today, it’s video. And with more opportunities sprouting up for businesses and marketers to capitalize on video through Twitter, the microblogging giant is getting a second wind and a second chance to attract countless marketers who have seemingly turned their attention away from Twitter and toward Facebook.

Yesterday, Twitter introduced Periscope, a new app “that lets you share and experience live video from your mobile phone.”

Calling it a perfect complement to Twitter, the company acquired Periscope in January and has been busy prepping it for its big repurposed debut ever since.

Periscope is available now in the Apple App Store, and an Android app “is in the works,” according to Twitter.

For businesses and marketers across a vast array of industries, this new resource could open up a new world of opportunity. From presenting live branded webinars to making special announcements (sales offers, new product reveals, etc.) the possibilities, it seems, are endless.

“For broadcasters,” the originators behind the platform explain, “Periscope lets you share an experience with others. Press a button, and instantly notify your followers that you’re live. Whether you’re witnessing your daughter’s first steps or a newsworthy event, Periscope offers an audience and the power of a shared experience. Most mobile broadcasting tools feel far from live. Broadcasters on Periscope are directly connected to their audience, able to feel their presence and interact. Going live on Periscope means more than a blinking red dot.”

So will marketers give Periscope a good look in the months ahead? For now, there’s little reason to believe they won’t.