Networking Opps for Mobile Marketers

Social networking has taken the world by storm. Within Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter alone there are dozens of specific ways to network with other people interested in mobile marketing. No, this isn’t going to be a post about how to get started in social networking, but rather a listing of some ways to find others who are in mobile marketing or want to be.

There are several robust mobile focused groups in LinkedIn. The easiest way to find them is to log in and click on the Groups tab. Then search for mobile marketing. The reason you want to join groups first is that you can often contact people who are in your group without having to already know them. It is a strong point of leverage in building your network.

Here are some mobile-focused groups on LinkedIn I recommend:
Mobile Marketing Association
Mobile Marketing
Mobile Analytics
Mobile Marketing & Advertising
eMarketing Association Network
IMM 2.0 – Intelligent Mobile Marketing

In Facebook you can contact individuals directly. So do a search for mobile marketing and see who comes up. If they look interesting send them a friend request. I highly recommend putting in a personal note with it. People are more likely to accept your request if they know why you want to connect with them.

To find groups in Facebook, just search your topic from the search bar and then check the tab for Groups. You will find a wide variety of groups here as well. Plus you can look for more people, pages, events and even mobile applications.

Twitter is all about individual connections. Since the search function within Twitter itself has been “temporarily disabled” for a month or so now, the only way to find people is by the topic of their conversation. So, go to (used to be Summize) and search for mobile or mobile marketing. You will see who is talking about mobile. Then you can follow them.

Jump in to social networking. The water is fine and there are lots of folks with whom to connect. You will undoubtedly run into me when you are searching in these places. I’d love to know you are a reader of my column here on Mobile Marketing Watch.