Finally, Some Good News for Newspapers: 60 to 82 Percent of Consumers Shop Circulars for Deals

Here comes the 2015 edition of holiday shopping insanity — and with it, the bounty of newspaper ads and printed circulars.

Amazingly, even with all the talk of today’s web-focused consumer, it appears they may still work some magic.

Where do shoppers hunt those “best deals of the season?”

A recent survey conducted by Market Track, a provider of competitive intelligence solutions based on comprehensive analysis of the advertising and promotional landscape, sheds some light. It reveals that 60 percent of shoppers surveyed between the ages of 21-29 and 82 percent of shoppers more than 60 years old “ranked print circulars as one of the top media types they will use to find sales and deals this holiday shopping season,” according to the report authors.

Retailer websites were right behind with nearly 60 percent of shoppers across all age groups going online to dig out deals.

“While print circulars and retailer websites were ranked as the top two media types shoppers will use to find deals, the survey also found that TV is a major driver across all age groups,” noted Digital Journal. “Over fifty percent of respondents listed television ads as a resource.”

We have to hand it to millennials, though: these savvy shoppers are working it via every channel.

“Our survey results clearly indicate variations in how different demographics are planning their holiday shopping strategy, with Millennials leveraging the highest number of methods to look for deals across print circulars, retailer websites, email, TV, social media and mobile,” said Traci Gregorski, vice president of marketing at Market Track.