Top Platforms? Marketers Gravitate to Very Visual Social Sites

Top Platforms Marketers Gravitate to Very Visual Social Sites“Several fast-growing social media services began offering themselves as platforms for advertisers this year, and according to September 2015 polling, U.S. marketers are interested in getting in on the action — especially on Instagram.”

That’s the take from eMarketer, citing stats from

RBC Capital Markets and Advertising Age which found that 72 percent of U.S. marketers surveyed are interested in allocating money to Instagram for advertising.

Instagram walloped second-place Pinterest (41 percent) in terms of spending ad dollars.

In other words, there is high interest among brands when it comes to advertising on visual social networks.

Snapchat captured the interest of 36 percent of marketers surveyed — which put it in third place.

“According to comScore, Snapchat penetration has risen dramatically among smartphone app users in the U.S.,” reports eMarketer. “Among 18- to 24-year-olds, a majority now use the app — though its reach is still a tiny 8 percent among those over 35. eMarketer estimates that 40.7 percent of U.S. smartphone users will use Instagram at least monthly this year, while 18.1 percent of internet users will use Pinterest.”