eBay Launches ‘Shop The World’ Marketing Campaign

eBay Launches ‘Shop The World’ Marketing CampaignOn October 13th eBay launched their holiday “Shop The World” marketing campaign on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google+ pages with the #ShopTheWorld hashtag.

This new marketing campaign is focused on creating “inspiring” moments online, with particular attention being paid to mobile users who will be out in force for the holiday shopping season.

The goal, we’re told, is to let “the world around you” provide inspiration for holiday shopping, which eBay uses to direct consumers to their millions of listings from sellers from around the globe.

The main focus is to highlight independent eBay sellers and small retailers who provide unique holiday gift selections.

Shop The World is launching worldwide in the US, UK, Germany and Australia, and eBay plans to expand its reach further next year.