Mobile Marketing: Here’s What Happened This Week

This weekIn case you missed it, here are some of the top stories in mobile marketing and advertising we’ve been following this week.

Vserv Unveils First ‘Smartphone User Persona Report’
Vserv, a smart data platform for mobile marketing and commerce, has just released the Smartphone User Persona Report (SUPR) 2015 for Philippines — an emerging mobile market.

In UK, Consumers Are Eating Up Mobile Media, Especially Apps
For mobile internet users in the UK, apps are where it’s at — in fact, apps account for a substantial percentage of time spent with mobile media.

Do You Know Your Algorithmic Generation from Your Predictive Attribute? IAB Fine-Tunes the Lexicon of Online Advertising
The great thing about the brave new world of online marketing is that there’s something new every day. The bad thing? New terms crop up that sow as much confusion as they shed light.

How Mobile is Shaping the First-screen Customer Experience
Mobile, without question, is disrupting the customer journey. So what can smart marketers do about it to capitalize on the opportunity? An upcoming webinar might show you the way to success in a mobile-first world.

Verizon Hypes New Sponsored Data Service
While the news largely failed to land major media coverage, Verizon announced some interesting news in recent days that is worth noting for Verizon subscribers.

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