Leadbolt Gets the Lead Out: Company Launches High Performance Video Ads in Mobile Advertising Platform

Leadbolt Gets the Lead Out Company Launches High Performance Video Ads in Mobile Advertising PlatformLeadbolt, a leading mobile marketing platform, has announced new support for high performance in-app video ads within its “Direct Deals Marketplace,” an ad exchange for premium advertisers as well as app developers.

According to the company, the Video Ad offering is available for both iOS and Android platforms and “gives advertisers a proven performance advantage over traditional ad formats.”

Leadbolt says its video ads were developed to offer a better user experience. Among its features are time slots of both 15 and 30 seconds, pre-caching for buffering-free, no-wait load times, auto play options, and adaptive displays.

“During initial rollouts, Leadbolt Video Ads achieved higher engagement and conversion than other ad formats. Mobile video campaigns from Leadbolt advertiser Movile, a South American development house and maker of casual games, outperformed previous campaign methods, achieving amazing results on the Direct Deals Marketplace,” according to a provided statement.

The company asserts it is enjoying 18 times more traffic, 25 times more installs, and 75 percent more engagement.

It’s a boon to the growing popularity of mobile video campaign. And just at the right time.

“eMarketer predicts ad spending on mobile video from US firms and marketers will reach $6 billion by 2018,” according to Digital Journal. “Additionally, Business Insider predicts that U.S. mobile video ad revenues will grow at an astonishing CAGR of 73 percent through 2018.”

“Consumers have an insatiable appetite for video,” said Dale Carr, CEO and founder of Leadbolt. “With smartphones now the first screen for many people, our new video ad format delivers on the consumer expectation for gorgeous, high quality and engaging viewing experiences. Our mobile video ads are a winning proposition on many levels, as they are proven to engage audiences, convert consumers, while allowing a seamless and enjoyable app usage experience.”