Juniper Sees Big, Profitable Future for e-Tickets

On Wednesday, a new report from Juniper Research was published that shows a bright and very profitable future for e-tickets.

“Mobile ticketing together with mobile payments are the front running applications in the mobile commerce market today,” says Juniper’s David Snow. “Mobile ticketing may be the first mobile commerce application that will be adopted at a mass market level, so it’s important that users receive a first class experience; that is the major challenge for all players in the mobile ticketing ecosystem.”

According to Juniper, the number of tickets delivered to mobile phones worldwide will more than quadruple to 23 billion by 2016, compared with 4 billion tickets estimated to have been delivered during 2011.

The report strongly suggests that mobile users are finally beginning to adopt mobile tickets as an “integrated part of their mobile lifestyle.”

To Juniper, mobile tickets encompass everything from airline or rail transport to sporting or entertainment events.

In addition to the convenience afforded by digital tickets to consumers, they are just as attractive to businesses.

“The ability to sell and deliver tickets through the mobile channel without the need for extra staff or real estate has a significant impact on operator profitability, especially as user numbers are continually increasing and need to be supported with minimal investment,” Juniper says.