Openwave & Nielsen Join For Mobile Advertising “Insight Engine”

Openwave & Nielsen Join For Mobile Advertising Insight EngineTwo companies that provide analytics and targeting data for mobile advertising have joined forced to develop what’s being called a mobile “Insight Engine,” or in other words, a means to effectively “mine” mobile data to more accurately generate content recommendations.

The new solution was born out of a combination between Openwave and Nielsen, who have put their offerings together to “arm the industry with tools that provide better response rates and more measurable mobile campaigns.”  Openwave brings to the table demographics and analytics to create refined reports and an ability to compare a wide variety of demographics segments, while Nielsen brings its long-standing “PRIZM” consumer segmentation system, that’s aimed at mobile operators and others within the ecosystem.

Understanding the behaviour of the typical mobile user is an element of mobile advertising that has yet to be refined.  Though many solutions exist, issues regarding fragmentation, missing data points and others have prohibited a truly usable solution in general.  Fixing that problem was the intent in Openwave and Nielsen joining forces for its “Insight Engine.”

“By combining carrier-related mobile analytics with Nielsen’s PRIZM and ConneXions segmentation, carriers can analyze and measure mobile users’ behaviour in terms that advertisers understand,” argues Mark Nelson, a  Senior vVP with Nielsen Claritas.  “The long standing belief within the advertising industry is that one half of the budget is generating results, but nobody knows which half,” added John Giere, a Senior VP with Openwave.