Mobile Coupon Distribution And Use Are On The Rise

Mobile Coupon Distribution And Use Are On The RiseThere are many ways in which mobile provides convenience, including access to mobile coupons, and even an increased frequency of mobile-only coupons. With the impressive growth in mobile coupon distribution and use in the past few years, eMarketer created their first-ever forecast for companies providing mobile coupons.

Mobile coupon use from 2013 to 2014 grew from 32% to 36.5%. eMarketer’s forecast for companies using mobile coupons as part of their marketing campaign over the next few years is as follows:

  • 40.5% in 2015
  • 44.5% in 2016
  • 48% in 2017

This forecast is an estimate for US-based companies who employ over 100 employees.

There are many benefits to creating mobile coupons: They are cheaper to create, cheaper to distribute, and redemption rates are higher—meaning they are more effective way to drive sales to a new or underperforming product. On top of that, many adults who never or rarely use paper coupons are comfortable using mobile coupons. In fact, many shoppers actively search for online and mobile coupons.

Want to know more? Check out the full report here.