Smartphone Couponers Most Likely to Redeem Offers In-Store

Smartphone Couponers Most Likely to Redeem Offers In-StoreCoupons and offers downloaded to smartphones are all the rage.

According to a June, 2014 research report by Forrester Consulting for, increasing numbers of smartphone users chose to avoid paper and use the coupons on their phones.

But you’re still going to see these folks in the store.

“More than one-quarter of US digital couponers who had found a coupon via smartphone in the three months leading up to polling ultimately redeemed that deal in a store,” says eMarketer. “This ranked second, trailing buying something on a computer by 6 percentage points, and beat out the percentage of respondents who used smartphone coupons on their actual phones.”

Digital couponers typically find deals via smartphone through email (57 percent) or search (55 percent).

eMarketer estimates that 59.2 million adult smartphone users in the US will use their phones to redeem a mobile coupon for online or offline shopping in 2014—a year-over-year rise of 37.5 percent. This represents 40.0 percent of 18-and-older smartphone users.

And with everyone from Apple to Samsung ramping up their mobile payments capabilities, expect the close relationship between mobile and commerce to grow even closer in the months and years ahead.

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