Digital Vouchers, Coupons Add to mCommerce Momentum

Digital Vouchers, Coupons Add to mCommerce MomentumSeveral weeks ago, mobile ad network InMobi announced the results of its 2014 Mobile Media Consumption Report, which provides insights into changing trends in mobile media consumption habits.

As MMW reported at the time, the key takeaway from the report is the growing popularity of mobile commerce.

The 2014 report findings reiterate that mobile devices have become integral to everyday life, but moreover, that trust and reliance on mobile devices has increased and are expected to have a significant impact on mobile commerce in 2014, InMobi says.

Driving the mobile commerce boom, however, are digital coupons and vouchers, particularly among shoppers in the United Kingdom. With digital voucher giants like VoucherBox UK growing by leaps and bounds in response to its perpetual offerings of free voucher codes for more than 1,500 online stores, the digital commerce boom across all screens is projected to explode further as the year progresses.

According to InMobi’s data, a 15% increase in mobile commerce is likely for 2014, with 83% of survey respondents planning to conduct mobile commerce in the next 12 months.

“In last year’s report we found that mobile had touched most aspects of modern life. But this year, we find that mobile has really become an essential part of daily life, even a daily workhorse, that has replaced the desktop and TV for everything from gathering key information, media consumption and accomplishing daily tasks, like shopping and paying bills,” says Naveen Tewari, CEO of InMobi.