Mobile Barcode Survey: 97 Percent Of Consumers Find Them Useful, iPhone Favored

We’ve already covered the extensive use of mobile barcodes this holiday shopping season, and a new survey from Scanbuy acts as more proof of its growing usage.

The barcode provider conducted a poll on Twitter and Facebook to learn how consumers are utilizing mobile barcodes while shopping over the holidays.  More than half of respondents (57%) said they’ve scanned at least one mobile barcode, while 40% said they’ve scanned a barcode five or more times.  On the other side, another 40% said they’ve never scanned a mobile barcode, but “would like to.”

The poll also found that 90% of consumers find mobile barcodes “useful in some capacity,” with only 3% finding them “not very useful.”  Not surprisingly, over 60% stated they are most likely to scan barcodes from product packaging — which is the primary use for mobile barcodes presently.  Also not surprising, price comparison was the most popular feature for consumers while shopping, with user reviews and product offers also getting strong interest.

Other findings include more than half of consumers saying they’d most likely scan a barcode to look up prices Online, but some also like getting information without finding a sales clerk.  Finally, the iPhone was the device most used by respondents, with 34% of those surveyed saying it was the device they used most.  BlackBerry and Android were right behind at 29% and 27% respectively.