Groupon Teams With JiWire To Offer Deals Hyperlocally, Targeted To Neighborhoods

After squashing Google’s reported $6B takeover offer, Groupon is moving forward with its so-called “Groupon Everywhere” agenda by teaming up with WiFi and mobile advertising network JiWire for hyperlocal distribution.

Through its partnership, Groupon will be able to offer deals on an extremely targeted and hyperlocal level — not just by city, but even by neighborhood.  Using Groupon’s API, JiWire can sift through the deals near any given device on its ad network and serve up targeted offers based on the user’s location and time of day.  The JiWire Groupon deals will also work with mobile apps that provide a location back to JiWire.

The deal represents a strategic partnership for Groupon, as JiWire has created a vast and unique mobile advertising network through strategic partnerships of its own.  Those partnerships include more than 40 public nationwide WiFi networks and 60 airports, among others, that allow its ads to reach more than 30 million people per month.  Through its platform, JiWire knows if users are sitting in a cafe or in a terminal so it can tailor offers based on their location, time of day and other attributes.

As TechCrunch notes, Groupon’s daily deals are becoming a new form of performance-based local advertising and the company is trying to cement its lead in this nascent market by expanding its inventory of such deals as fast as possible.  The company is hard at work trying to get its deals in front of as many users as possible, which in turn makes each deal it offers that much more successful for the brand offering it.  There’s big plans on the horizon for Groupon, and many of which include mobile as a central focus.