61% Of Carriers See Mobile Coupons As The Dominant Form Of Mobile Marketing By 2015

According to a new survey by mobileSQUARED on behalf of Airwide Solution, 61% of mobile operators surveyed thought that coupons or vouchers would become the dominant form of mobile marketing by 2015.

The data shows 58% of those surveyed predicted that SMS- and MMS-based messaging would be the second most widely accepted form of mobile marketing in the next five years, followed by search with 45%.  The research reveals that users in 2015 are thought to be “more likely to utilize mobile marketing or advertising promotions that are sent to them via their mobile phones than those generated through search, display or navigation.”  Put simply, the carriers are banking on mobile messaging remaining the primary form of mobile marketing for the foreseeable future, which to me is an obvious assumption.

Of course, equipping wireless operators with the tools for mobile marketing campaigns is Airwide’s business, so carrier-interest in the concept is vital.  Unfortunately, carriers are notorious for being slow on the uptake in terms of leveraging their infrastructure for anything of the sort.  “The widespread use of mobile messaging creates a far-reaching and significant marketing opportunity for brands which in turn, creates a significant revenue opportunity for mobile operators,” said Jay Seaton, Airwide Solutions Chief Marketing Officer.  “By putting a reliable infrastructure in place, and a means of controlling and measuring campaigns, mobile operators can deliver some of the most highly effective mobile marketing initiatives through mobile messaging.”