Motorola Solutions Unveils Location-Based Mobile Marketing Platform

Motorola Solutions Unveils Location-Based PlatformThere’s nothing hotter in mobile marketing today than location. For that reason, Motorola Solutions is shrewdly focusing on where the action is.

With 45% of shoppers already using their mobile devices for mobile coupons, Motorola Solutions is rolling out a new unified indoor locationing platform to help organizations better meet the demand for customer engagement.

Motorola’s MPact Platform for Mobile Marketing is billed as “the first of its kind to offer both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® Smart technology to engage with shoppers in the aisle when buying decisions are being made.”

The solution enables shoppers to opt-in and receive customized offers and personal assistance via a Bluetooth Smart-triggered loyalty app and access Wi-Fi to locate products in store, read reviews, compare prices and look up information.

Motorola says it formed a strategic alliance with four technology vendors to help make MPact an end-to-end locationing solution providing benefits to retailers and customers who opt in.

“A majority of consumers are already using their smart phones for shopping-related activities,” says Girish Rishi, senior vice president of Enterprise Solutions at Motorola Solutions. “MPact helps retailers interact with shoppers in-store, adding valuable engagement through technology. The solution can help shoppers request in-store assistance and receive customized offers to their mobile devices at the right time, potentially increasing total sales and providing an optimized shopping experience.”