New Beacon-Based Mobile Marketing Platform Launches

New Beacon-Based Mobile Marketing Platform LaunchesPulsate is out with a new end-to-end marketing platform for the physical world. The start-up provides what is described as a cloud platform and its own micro-context iBeacons that allow companies to supposedly “turbocharge” customer engagement.

Pulsate, which can sit behind any brand’s existing mobile app, will initially be targeted at large retailers, with future plans to expand the offering to venues, and transport.

“Pulsate will help companies to drive foot traffic to stores and when customers arrive, to deliver game-changing in-store experiences,” claims CEO Patrick Leddy.  “Imagine being able to deliver information to customers’ phones relative to their location, context and interests.  Today, with Pulsate, we’ve made this a reality.”

Leddy explained in this week’s press release that Pulsate drives real benefits that will allow businesses to influence at the point of purchase and dramatically increase revenues. How so? Pulsate gives retailers with tiny self-contained Bluetooth iBeacons which, once activated, begin broadcasting customer location and context back to the Pulsate cloud. From there the retailer can segment, automate and personalize every communication sent by the platform.  Customers can even reply, forming a direct dialogue between the retailer and customer.

“This isn’t just about beacons; they are straightforward to produce, and are quickly becoming commoditized,” Leddy concludes. “If you want your communications to be seamless, integrated and considered, beacons alone are not going to help you.”