Best Western Finds Success with Location Based Mobile Advertising

Best Western Finds Success with Location Based Mobile AdvertisingBest Western is turning to location-based mobile advertising in hopes of inspiring travelers to book their hotel stays while passing through airports and driving past rival hotels.

According to Mobile Commerce Daily, the hotel brand is running a campaign in Washington state for now.

With the help of PayPal Media Network, the Best Western campaign encourages consumers to book their hotel stay directly from their mobile device.

“According to Best Western, the booking window for reservations is no longer weeks in advance,” explains Sarah Hodkinson, director of marketing and sales strategy at PayPal Media Network.

“Travelers are now waiting until they are on the freeway to book,” she said. “By leveraging location-based mobile advertising, hoteliers can capture these last-minute bookings by engaging travelers in proximity to their locations.”

Best Western has geo-fenced ads around its hotels and airports in the state of Washington. Additionally, the hotel brand is running the location-based mobile ads in geofences around competitors’ locations to sway consumers into a Best Western hotel.

We’re told that the ads help to inform consumers of how many miles they are away from a particular location. Copy for the ad reads “Book now” and leads mobile users directly to the Best Western mobile-optimized site for more information or to book a room.