Amazon, Apple to Lock Horns in Court August 19th

For more than a year now, Apple has pursued Amazon in every legal channel in hopes of curtailing the digital retailer’s use of the term “Appstore” to market its store for Android applications.

Last summer, Apple even suggested that Amazon is intentionally trying to trick and confuse consumers.

“Amazon has steadfastly refused to produce documents and information regarding the use of ‘for Android’ in connection with its service…” Apple argued in one of its many legal filings, arguing that “appstore” should only be used by Amazon if it reads “Appstore for Android.”
“Amazon has failed to produce a witness who can testify regarding the decision not to use ‘for Android’ with the Amazon Appstore Service outside the context of the Kindle Fire, despite clear evidence that Amazon frequently does not use ‘for Android’ in conjunction with its Service,” the argument from Apple continued.

In January of this year, lawyers for both companies were ordered by a judge to meet and, hopefully, settle the issue.

Meetings and phone calls have reportedly now taken place throughout the months of May and June and, according to Bloomberg’s published report Thursday morning, nothing has been accomplished that will preclude the need for a trial.

The Apple vs. Amazon trial is now set to begin August 19th.