Infographic: iOS Takes Flight Over Android… Literally

iOS is soaring high above Android, and that literally is not an exaggeration.

This week, in-flight Wi-Fi provider Gogo reports that airline passengers use their Apple devices with far greater frequency than their Android gadgets.

And the race isn’t even close. According to the report, Apple’s iOS devices account for 84% of all in-flight Wi-Fi traffic from mobile devices.

Apple devices are still reigning above the clouds, following the tablet trend with the iPad being the device of choice.

“If you look only at the smartphones our customers are using,” the team at Gogo reveals, “the iPhone makes up 73 percent and all Android devices make up 26 percent, with Blackberry and Windows based devices each making up less than 1 percent of devices being used in air.”

The company released this insightful infographic to highlight a handful of other findings related to in-flight mobile device usage.