YouGov survey: Mobile Operators Better Get to Work

YouGov Survey Mobile Operators Better Get to WorkOn Monday morning, MMW was privy to the findings of a new YouGov survey revealing that up to 74% of consumers would “potentially leave their current mobile operator” for better cellular coverage at work.

In short, the coverage at work is poor, coverage elsewhere will likely be sought.

The YouGov research commissioned by SpiderCloud Wireless indicates that consumers are sending a strong message to mobile operators that cellular coverage is as important at work as it is as home.

38% of all consumers surveyed said they would switch mobile operators to achieve better coverage and reception inside their office buildings, while an additional 36% were on the fence.

“Both consumers and IT decision makers share the common pain point when faced with poor cellular coverage at work. Today’s workforce is a mobile connected workforce,” says Ronny Haraldsvik, CMO of SpiderCloud Wireless. “The YouGov research findings from 2014 and 2013 show consistent feedback: reliable mobile coverage and capacity indoors is a critical need for today’s enterprise customers.”

More information about the survey’s findings will be available later today from SpiderCloud.