Away from PCs, Shoppers Prefer Print Ads from Brands

Away from PCs, Shoppers Prefer Print Ads from BrandsIf a consumer is away from a computer, wouldn’t mobile now be the best way to send a communication?

Maybe not, suggests new information.

“Mobile phones, and especially smartphones, have made doing just about anything on the go easy,” reports eMarketer. “So it stands to reason that mobile phones would be the main way consumers would communicate with brands when they weren’t sitting in front of a computer.”

But — stop the presses — according to data from MarketingSherpa, print ads were US internet users’ preferred way to stay in touch with brands and retailers when away from their computers.

How many said so? Almost 50 percent. And that’s a significant percentage.

“Email on smartphone was 10 points behind, followed by radio ads and text messages,” noted eMarketer. “Several other responses referred to smartphone-related communication as well, including a brand’s mobile app, at 12 percent, push notifications, at 6 percent, and in-app ads, at 4 percent.”

Believe it or not, print is unequivocally still a popular source for promotions.

“Coupon users are more likely to rely on newspapers for their clipping fix than any other channel, and internet users even told MarketingSherpa they liked getting information from brands and retailers in the (snail) mail more than via email,” reports eMarketer.

While this flies in the face of what most advertisers now believe to be true, U.S. internet users polled by emarsys in September, 2015 reported being more influenced by print ads than most other formats, including email, social media, and mobile.