Mobile Internet on The Rise in India

Mobile Internet On The Rise In IndiaAccording to a 2014 report by the Internet & Mobile Association of India and IMRB International, 2014 showed rapid growth in the mobile internet industry throughout India. But 2015 is expected to surpass 2014’s growth by a wide margin.

During 2014, mobile internet use grew 26%, and is forecast to grow 23% within the first 6 months of 2015. When looking at rural users, growth is also steadily on the rise and is expected to grow an additional 18% during 2015.

“Nearly one quarter of school-going children and one fifth of non-working women use mobile internet on pay-per-site basis,” reports Warc. “Nearly 40% of young men, working women and older men have plans which entail limited internet access.”

Consequently, mobile web use is increasing the average monthly mobile phone bill. To boot, mobile internet prices are also on the rise, which means hardware makers and mobile operators stand to make big profits in India this year and beyond.

Fortunately, the growth within the mobile industry has led to more competitive pricing for “unlimited” mobile data and download plans—with 33% of mobile user’s opting for unlimited options.