EA’s Mobile Chief Takes an Unexpected Walk

EA's Mobile Chief Takes an Unexpected WalkIt’s game over for one executive at Electronic Arts.

According to reports coming to light over the past 24 hours, Electronic Arts’ head of mobile gaming has abruptly departed after two decades of service to the company.

Frank Gibeau’s departure is being called “sudden,” although CNET cites expectations among some analysts that the writing has been on the wall for a while with regard to a possible shake-up in EA’s mobile division.

Gibeau had been considered a contender for the role of chief executive at EA after John Riccitiello’s sudden exit in March 2013.

But that promotion never game.

“Throughout a more than 20-year career, Frank’s made many significant contributions to the company, our people and our games,” an EA statement reads. “We thank Frank for his achievements at EA, and we wish him all the best in his next chapter.”

The departure, we’re told, doesn’t reflect a waning interest in mobile games on the part of EA.