iProximity Launches Global ‘Mobile Coupon Factory’

iphone-518101_960_720The folks at iProximity have taken a Factory job.

According to a company announcement, retail is “becoming a highly connected experience, both brands and retailers desire to extend consumer engagement, to go beyond just creating awareness and delivering offers into the rich integration of loyalty, proximity, and mobility.”

For that reason, mobile coupons have evolved from being simply a means of driving consumers in-store, to being a core element of promoting and reinforcing brand loyalty, the company says.

Just how big are mobile coupons? Juniper Research says the number of coupons issued via mobile and online channels will grow by more than 60% over the next five years.

Mobile Coupon Factory offers mobile coupons in various formats including scratch promotional coupons, loyalty and store cards, wallet passes and stamp cards. These formats go well beyond traditional digital coupons as they include promotional mechanics, analytics, re-marketing tags and fully integrate with most marketing automation platforms, mobile wallets (Apple Pay, Google Wallet etc) and point of sale systems.

“One of the critical problems mobile Coupon Factory has solved is tracking of the coupon transmission, the customer interaction with the coupon and the in-store or online validation, allowing complete end-to-end analytics of the customer experience and the performance of all the marketing elements,” says David Burden, co-founder of iProximity.