What Google’s Algorithm Change Means for Holdouts on Mobile Responsive Websites

What Google's Algorithm Change Means for Holdouts on Mobile Responsive WebsitesDo users on mobile want mobile-friendly results when they do searches on their phones? Of course they do. After all, it makes sense in our increasingly mobile age — especially to the folks at Google.

“When it comes to search on mobile devices, users should get the most relevant and timely results, no matter if the information lives on mobile-friendly web pages or apps,” said Google in a recent blog post. “As more people use mobile devices to access the internet, our algorithms have to adapt to these usage patterns.”

And for those who don’t adapt? There could be problems. Big problems, particularly with regard to how Google treats your website in its search engine.

Last week, SEO 1 Medical, a Dallas based search engine optimization company specializing in the healthcare industry, said that now is the time for medical practices to go mobile. Not a bad idea considering that more patients than ever are turning to their mobile devices for healthcare news, information, and assistance.

Consequently, the company has “geared up to address the expected increase in demand for responsive design.”

Google, The leading search engine, recently announced a planned algorithm change that could impact websites everywhere, including healthcare websites for medical professionals and Medical practices.  The change in algorithm was announced on February 26, 2015, and it will be implemented on April 21, 2015.

“The continuing growth of mobile marketing and the growing ubiquitous use of mobile devices paired with the unique delivery of the news by the search engine giant, is a strong indication that mobile responsiveness is not only going to affect ranking results on mobiles but also will affect desktop results,” the Dallas-based firm recently said publicly.

Rodney Brooke with SEO 1 Medical believes that “once more this will definitely change the search engine landscape and will be a major upset for those websites who have not incorporated responsive design to their code.”