The global mobile security market is set to reach new heights this year, according to a new report from Visiongain.
The increased connectivity and powerful computing capabilities enabled by smart devices allow for a highly mobile and productive workforce. Consequently, the popularity of smart devices is an increasingly attractive target for cybercriminals with regards the potential value of personal data found on a device.
“Mobile devices cause ongoing concern for IT teams responsible for information security,” Visiongain explains. “Sensitive corporate information can be easily transported and lost, while the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) movement has dramatically increased the number of expensive security incidents.”
For this reason, the increasing demand for mobile security software is seeing the emergence of security specialists offering solutions aimed at mobile as well as PC. The end result? Huge growth for this market. In fact, Visiongain has assessed that the value of the global mobile security market in 2014 will reach $4.5 billion.
“The Mobile Security (mSecurity) Market Forecast 2014-2024: Future Prospects For Leading Players” report is available now forĀ purchase from Visiongain.