China Now Dominates Tablet Usage in APAC

China Now Dominates Tablet Usage in APACTablet usage in China is on the rise, with the latest industry data showing that close to half of all Internet users in the world’s most populous nation will connect to the Web via tablet on a monthly basis throughout 2015.

“That will be up 16.7% over 2014 usage levels, and double-digit growth will continue through 2016. In 2018, growth will have slowed to 7.4% for a total of 435.5 million tablet users in China,” eMarketer reveals.

Dominating tablet usage in the APAC region, it is now projected that within three years, some 435.5 million Chinese will be active tablet users. Putting those numbers into perspective, it is believed that by 2018, China will be home to more than half of all the tablet users (715 million people) in the region.

What’s more, says eMarketer, The average person in China is about twice as likely as the average for the region to use a tablet monthly this year, and the average internet user is 40.4% more likely to do so.”