Docent Health Selects mPulse Mobile to Scale and Deepen Their Personalized Healthcare Journeys

On Thursday, the official word was handed down that mPulse Mobile, a leader in mobile health engagement solutions, and Docent Health, the industry powerhouse in helping health systems manage and grow customer relationships, have solidified a new partnership.

We’re told that Docent Health recognized the value of interactive and targeted text messaging as an effective method to maintain a trusted channel of communication with patients at scale and turned to mPulse to incorporate their innovative mobile engagement technology into their communication strategy to drive engagement, retention, and customer advocacy.

Docent Health leverages multiple messaging capabilities from mPulse Mobile. By using a combination of real-time conversations, pre-scripted communications and responses, and rules based messaging triggered by a wide range of use cases e.g. time, date, recurrence and consumer profile, Docent Health is able to get consumers the right information at the right time and develop strategic campaigns that support patient engagement and growth strategies.

The result, today’s announcement highlights, is a Docent Health designed messaging solution that achieves mission and growth oriented goals yet retains the sense of human touch and individualization that is so important in today’s consumer-centric world.

“At the core of Docent Health’s approach is connecting with patients early in their decision making process, building awareness and conversion with prospective patients and continuing to build activation, loyalty, and advocacy throughout the customer relationship,” said Paul Roscoe Chief Executive Officer, Docent Health. “With the mPulse Mobile engagement solution, our customer-centric approach is extended and enhanced with the use of micro-targeted, personalized, and interactive text messaging.”

With 71% of Docent managed patients opting to have text messaging as their primary communication channel, Docent Health can scale interactions to the tens of thousands of patients they serve. Once embedded in their best-in-class experiences, Docent Health is driving a market-leading 46% click-through rate on links to key resources. This means digital communications are directly translating into patients feeling better supported; improving both patient education and customer engagement.

“Healthcare companies recognize the need to meet consumers where they are to improve patient activation and achieve their health and business outcomes,” said Chris Nicholson, Chief Executive Officer, mPulse Mobile. “Docent Health is a true innovator in raising the bar on delivering amazing patient experiences with integrating mobile engagement into their patient journey design.”

Healthcare providers and payers have been improving health and business outcomes with mPulse solutions for years and, more recently, innovative healthcare experience companies like Docent Health have turned to mPulse Mobile to fully realize the advantages of interactive text messaging to create powerful, tailored touchpoints that improve the consumer experience, drive engagement and streamline operations.

To learn more about Docent Health and mPulse Mobile at the upcoming HIMSS18 conference: