Want to Have a Garage Sale for Your Digital Content?

What can be more fun than sifting through a box of vintage records or CDs at a neighborhood garage sale?

Doing it online from the comfort of home, perhaps?

According to Time, Apple has filed a patent for a system that enables users to buy and sell every conceivable digital offering imaginable – books, movies, music, software, etc.

The system would prevent the original owner from accessing the content after selling it, and could allow the original creator or publisher to receive a cut of the resale price.

Although Apple may need to secure comprehensive agreements with record labels and film studios to create and deploy this system, it appears that the Cupertino, California-based tech giant is gearing up for the “next big thing” in digital content ownership – resale opportunities.

Just last month, Amazon sought a similar patent for what it calls an “electronic marketplace” intended to create a comparable resale marketplace.