How Mobile is Shaping the First-screen Customer Experience

How Mobile is Shaping the First-screen Customer ExperienceMobile, without question, is disrupting the customer journey. So what can smart marketers do about it to capitalize on the opportunity?

An upcoming webinar might show you the way to success in a mobile-first world.

In an era where consumers check their smartphones 150 times a day, and where 87% of millennials admit that they have their smartphone at their side all the time, perhaps it’s time for marketers to rethink the customer journey and invest in a customer engagement model that is centered around the customers’ first screen, the mobile phone.

That’s the hard pitch from the organizers of the February 9th webinar, presented by the MMA and Swrve.

Martin Doettling, Chief Marketing Officer, Swrve Inc. will lead the presentation, which will reportedly help webinar attendees learn:

● The top 3 essential mobile marketing best practices
● How to create a successful mobile strategy
● How to create memorable mobile moments
● How to leverage your existing MarTech infrastructure

To learn more or to register, click here.