New AppsFlyer Report Points to $700-$800 Million Lost to Fraud in Q1 2018

This week, AppsFlyer issued its State of Mobile App Install Fraud Q1 2018 report, which examines more than 6,000 apps and 10 billion installs across multiple verticals, regions and platforms.

Alarmingly, the report shows that ,obile app marketers were exposed to 30% more fraud in Q1 2018, reaching $700-$800 million worldwide.

Other key findings of the report include:

  • The share of fraudulent installs has grown by 15%, tainting 11.5% of all marketing-driven installs.
  • Bots have replaced device farms as the most popular form of attack, responsible for over 30% of fraudulent installs.
  • Shopping, gaming, finance and travel apps are the hardest hit.

To learn more, check out the full report here.