MarketLive Releases Interesting New Study on Responsive Design

MarketLive Releases Interesting New Study on Responsive DesignWhat is “Responsive Design” and how can it help retailers?

Basically, the concept refers to the process of ensuring ecommerce sites are effective across the spectrum of devices consumers use today — and that they don’t hit roadblocks when they actually want to buy.

Now MarketLive, which coined the term and is a leading platform for high-growth merchants, has jointly released a study on Responsive Design. The 17-page whitepaper was commissioned by MarketLive and authored by FitForCommerce.

According to a provided statement,”FitForCommerce’s whitepaper, titled “Responsive Design for Commerce: Optimizing ecommerce for cross-device shopping,” outlines various site options for supporting multi-device path-to-purchase, the pros and cons and potential obstacles to ‘going responsive,’ and the most efficient steps for moving toward true cross-device optimization. The whitepaper uses actual customer website examples to illustrate.”

“We know that sixty-five percent of marketing emails were opened on mobile devices during the last quarter of 2013,” adds MarketLive founder and CEO Ken Burke. “So consumers are embracing mobile, tablets, kiosks and other forms of shopping, and they are expecting a seamless shopping experience across all screens.”

Quicker adaptation is what Burke is promoting.

“Unfortunately, retailers and brand manufacturers have been slow to adapt, and that is why we are releasing this study to help educate them about the fast-changing realities to online retailing,” Burke emphasizes.

There are many elements of MarketLive’s Responsive Commerce technology. The tech zooms in on areas of critical shopping interactions,including the path to purchase, the shopping cart, the checkout experience, store locator info, catalog quick shop options, possible value added content, the latest in intelligent imaging, and more.