Mobile Coupons and Beacons: Waves of the Retailing Future

Mobile Coupons and Beacons Waves of the Retailing FutureMobile advertising is an effective way for companies to reach consumers. But linking a mobile ad to an in-store purchase is important? That’s golden.

A recent survey confirmed that mobile coupons work.

According to October, 2015 research by Marchex and Digiday, about two-thirds of U.S. marketers said mobile coupons were the most effective method for attributing in-store purchases to mobile ads.

“Indeed, mobile coupons are valuable,” reports eMarketer. “In 2015, 40.5 percent of U.S. companies with more than a hundred employees will use mobile coupons for marketing purposes, eMarketer estimates. By 2017, that number will grow by 7.5 percentage points.”

Here’s the proof: eight in 10 U.S. adult mobile coupon users will redeem a coupon or code via their mobile device for online or offline shopping in 2015. And, in 2017, that number is expected to rise to more than nine in 10 adults.

Then there’s the issue of beacons. Though their use is still somewhat sparse, beacons are becoming “the-next-thing-to-do” for retailers.

“Beacons also help influence in-store sales,” contends eMarketer. “A February, 2015 forecast by BI Intelligence estimated that this year, $4.1 billion in in-store retail sales among the top 100 US retail locations would be influenced by beacon-triggered messages. By 2016, that value will grow to $44.4 billion.”