According to a recent post on mobileStorm’s Digital Marketing Blog, analysts are predicting that, by 2018, spending on Real Time Bidding (RTB) will increase nearly three-fold to $12 billion, from just over $4.8 billion this year. A new report released earlier this month also shows that, in the RTB spending arena, the entertainment industry is definitely the dominant force and will be a major factor in its coming growth.
At Smaato, for example, spending for RTB “exploded” between the first quarter of 2013 and the first quarter of 2014 on their mobile dedicated RTB-enabled ad exchange. They report growth of 459% and have already predicted that 2014 would experience some of the strongest increases in RTB spending ever seen.
While practically all industry sectors are seeing a good amount of increased spending, it’s the entertainment industry that’s definitely seeing the biggest rise in ad spending with mobile RTB with over a 3rd of all RTB spending at 37%.
The next biggest sector was technology and telecom at 24% of the market, while 11% was grabbed by business and finance. Advertising, at 8%, was quite left far behind and at the bottom were fashion and retail, travel, social and dating, all of which were at 5% or less.
With mobile RTB ad volume that grew by over 46% between the last quarter of 2013 in the first of 2014, entertainment was also dominant in many content categories and watched its percentage share of mobile ad impressions jump from 26% to 38%, which is impressive on its own.
Of course this jump meant that, as far as their share of traffic volume was concerned, all other categories, including music, communications, social media, technology and games, lost ground.