Fighting Robocalls: New ‘Smart Blocking’ Tracks and Blocks Spam Calls

Fighting Robocalls New ‘Smart Blocking’ Tracks and Blocks Spam CallsYouMail, a provider of cloud-based telecommunication services, has upgraded its free iPhone app to show users how many robocall and spoofed-number calls it has blocked for them.

The announcement comes just as FCC members are considering whether tougher robocall services are a good idea.

YouMail is an app for both Apple and Android-based smartphones. It allows users to better manage incoming phone calls and boasts a host of features that improve privacy and productivity.

“The service includes a proprietary technology called Smart Blocking that detects robocalls — including those generated by spoofing systems, and tricks them into thinking that the user’s number has been disconnected, so calls stop coming in,” explains the company. “Users simply ignore calls, and YouMail does the hard job of deciding whether it’s a robocall or spam call and plays the caller an out of service message so that the robocaller won’t keep calling.”

It’s designed to combat the increasing numbers of robocalls that have made their way to people’s cell phones.

“Roughly one in six phone numbers calling the average consumer is a robocall, and there are more than 80 million scam or fraudulent calls made each month alone,” said Alex Quilici, founder and CEO of YouMail, Inc.

Quilici says the “robocall epidemic” wastes an estimated 20 million hours a year and costs American businesses about a half billion dollars annually.

“YouMail has blocked tens of millions of calls for our users and prevented far more robocalls from ever calling them in the first place,” he concludes. “All our users have to do is ignore phone numbers they don’t recognize and we do the rest.”